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Covenant - Mount Sinai


The Jewish people made an crucial stop

on their way through the desert to



And what happened there? We are still

debating that amongst ourselves, but

Avraham thinks that we made three commitments; to recognize one God; to

make the world a better place for all

people; and to use certain rituals to define and shape Jewish time and space.

So, for Jews who observe any or all of the mitzvot, and those who are committed to Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), and those who serve the Jewish community, or move to Israel, the covenant established at Mount Sinai is still a tie that binds.


Below you will find videos clips of Avraham talking about the concept of covenant at Mount Sinai, and links to responses of Jewish educators to these ideas.

Join the conversation! Feel free to join in the "Table Talk". Add your comments and share your thoughts with us.


TIKKUN OLAM (Repairing the World)

תיקון עולם 

Something happened at Mount Sinai

משהו קרה לנו בהר סיני

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