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Israel (TheLand/The state)

"You're a Jewish youngster.

There's the Jewish State.



These are the words that sent Avraham

to Israel, where he made aliyah as a teenager.

And why? Because Avraham believes that Israel

is the place where Jews are writing the next chapters of the story of the Jewish People. 

And there are other reasons too, including

the fact that the Jewish People's rain, which Jews pray for from their homes all over the world,

only falls in Israel!


Hear more in videos clips of Avraham talking about the Land and the State of Israel, and see links to responses of Jewish educators to these ideas.

Join the conversation! Feel free to join in the "Table Talk". Add your comments and share your thoughts with us.


Praying for rain

Making Aliyah

No more Jewish refugees

The "Birkat"

Israel independence day; The nine day's of "We"

Writing the new chapter of the Jewish people 

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